Function Objects in C++ > NP-Incompleteness > Function Objects in C++

Function Objects in C++

01 Jun 2023

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In this post we’ll spend some time exploring function objects in C++, in particular std::function. There are a lot of subtleties and unique syntax that is worth understanding.

First we’ll cover different ways of working with functions as objects such as function pointers, functors and lambdas. We’ll then discuss std::function and provide a possible way to implement it.

Function Objects

Function Pointer

When we compile a C++ code into assembly instructions, they will be loaded in memory, so every instruction can be associated with a memory address, including that of a function. During execution, the processor keeps a program counter (PC) in a register pointing to the address of the instruction being executed.

So when we call a function like:


The processor will change the program counter to the address of f’s first instruction. I did a test with Apple’s M1 processor, which uses ARM’s instruction set and the code looks like:

  ; f's instructions
  ; ...
  bl	f

In here, bl is a mnemonic for “branch with link”, meaning it will change the program counter to the address indicated by the label f but before that will save the current program counter to a register (called link register) which will be used to restore the program counter once f is finished.

We see that it abstracts away the address of the instruction by using labels, but we could in theory use an actual address with bl. A similar idea can be applied at the C++ level. Instead of using the function name, we can call a function via its address:

int (*fptr)() = &f;

The syntax is a bit convoluted with the required parenthesis but these are needed for disambiguation, since int *fptr() would be interpreted as a function definition returning int *, and *fptr(1) would look like a dereferencing of the pointer returned by fptr(1).

To make the point clear that we’re invoking functions out of a memory address, we can convert to an intermediate 64-bit number:

typedef int (*func_ptr)(int);

int64_t* x = (int64_t*)&f;

Worth mentioning this code is not portable because it assumes a 64-bit instruction addressing. Also notice the use of typedef for the cast - I don’t know if there’s a syntax that allows casting to function pointer inline.

In C++, we can actually write:

int (*fptr)() = f;

It will implicitly convert f into &f in the first expression since when a function f is on the right hand side and called without parenthesis, getting its address is the only operation one could intend. Similarly, called a function pointer with parenthesis can only mean invoking the underlying function it is pointing to.

It’s a bit surprising that low-level languages like C have function objects that can be manipulated as regular data, but this stems from how computers run code, treating code and data the same way.

Enough with function pointers. Let’s move to object oriented programming.


In C++ another way to obtain a function object is by working with classes. We define a method f() in the class and at some point create an instance for that class, which can be passed around and eventually invoked, for example:

struct MyClass {
    int f(int x) {
      return 1;
MyClass c;
cout << c.f(1) << endl;

C++ provides a syntax sugar for objects that are meant to be called as a function, by enabling the overloading of the operator (). Classes overloading the operator () are known as functors. The example above can be written as:

struct Functor {
    int operator() (int x) {
        return x + 1;
Functor f;
cout << f(1) << endl;

The major advantage over plain function pointers is that class-based functions can have state. So if we’d like to create a family of functions that increment by different amounts we could do:

struct Functor {
    Function(int amount) : amount_(amount) {};
    int operator() (int x) {
        return x + amount_;
    int amount_;
Functor f1(1);
cout << f1(1) << endl; // 2
Functor f2(2);
cout << f2(1) << endl; // 3

Let’s now move to C++11.

Lambda expressions

Lambda expressions were introduced in C++11 and are a further syntax sugar over functors:

auto f = [](int x) {
  return x + 1;
cout << f(1) << endl;

Lambda expressions get converted to functors during compilation. We can notice above the use of auto, another of C++11 feature without which we can’t use lambdas because their type is unspecified.

We discussed lambdas in the review of Scott Meyers’s Effective Modern C++.


Now, with at least 3 ways to work with function objects which are not convertible to each other, how to make a general API that doesn’t require a different overload for each type?

std::function was added to the STL in C++11 and it can “hold” any of a function pointer, a functor or a lambda, for example:

// lambda
std::function<int(int)> f = [](int x) {
    return x + 1;

int inc(int x) {
    return x + 1;
// function pointer
std::function<int(int)> g = inc;

// functor
C c;
std::function<int(int)> h = c;


I was wondering how std::function is implemented and found it very hard to understand from looking at GCC’s source. A simpler approach is suggested by neuront in [2], in which they define a custom constructor, destructor and the call/invoke operator. We can focus on the constructor since the others follow a very similar pattern:

template <typename R, typename... Args>
class function<R(Args...)> {

  typedef char* (*construct_fn_t)(char*);

  template <typename Functor>
  static char* construct_fn(Functor* f) {
    return (char*) new Functor(*f);

  construct_fn_t construct_f_ptr;
  char* buffer;

  template <typename Functor>
  function(Functor f) :
    construct_f_ptr(reinterpret_cast<construct_fn_t>(construct_fn<Functor>)) {
      buffer = construct_f_ptr(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&f));

There are a few things to dissect here. First, the template type of function uses a special syntax:

template <typename R, typename... Args>
class function<R(Args...)> {};

Which is different from a simpler template type like:

template <typename T>
struct Wrapper {};

When we define the type function<int(int, float)>, the return type is matched to R and the varargs are matched to Args....

In the snippet below, construct_fn_t is just a type alias, a typedef trick we saw above in Function Pointer, and it’s basically the untyped version of the constructor.

typedef char* (*construct_fn_t)(char*);

Below, construct_fn is the typed constructor. It allocates a copy of f on the heap and we erase the type by casting the pointer to char*:

template <typename Functor>
static char* construct_fn(Functor* f) {
  return reinterpret_cast<char*>(new Functor(*f));

Finally in the constructor of function we first erase the type of construct_fn<Functor> by casting it to construct_fn_t and then store it as a function pointer construct_f_ptr. Then we call the constructor via this “untyped” function pointer. We also need to cast f to char* because this is the type of argument construct_f_ptr expects.

function(Functor f) :
  construct_f_ptr(reinterpret_cast<construct_fn_t>(construct_fn<Functor>)) {
    buffer = construct_f_ptr(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&f));

We might ask why do we need to define construct_fn as a static function and store it as a pointer, instead of simply doing:

function(Functor f) {
  buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(new Functor(*f));

The key is that we might need to call new Functor again, but in a context where we might not have a handle to the type Functor. This is basically the role construct_fn plays here: keep a handle to the type Functor.

One place where we need this for example is for the copy-constructor:

function(function const& rhs) : construct_f_ptr(rhs.construct_f_ptr) {
  if (construct_f_ptr) {
    buffer = construct_f_ptr(rhs.buffer);

Here we don’t have the Functor type but it’s enclosed in rhs.construct_f_ptr “untyped” pointer. That’s basically the whole idea and we can use the same principle to implement operator() and ~function.


The technique for capturing a type in a closure without explicitly referencing the type anywhere can be useful, for example, to store a list of distinct template specialized types. Let’s consider a relatively involved example, but one I’ve ran into before. Suppose we have a widget orchestrator class which we use as follows:

  1. Register widgets
  2. Set params
  3. Execute widgets

To execute the widgets we need the params set in Step 2, so we can’t execute them during registration (Step 1). If the widgets have a common base class, say Widget, we could keep them in a list internally and on Step 3 we call their one of their virtual methods, say run(). A possible implementation is as follows:

struct Widget {
  virtual void run(int param) = 0;

struct Orchestrator {
  void registerWidget(Widget& w) {
  void setParam(int param) {
    _param = param;
  void run() {
    for (auto& widget : _widgets) {;

  std::vector<Widget> _widgets;
  int _param;

// Example call
Orchestrator orch;
Widget a, b;

Now suppose the Widget is a template class and its children implementation are also doing some template specialization, for example:

template <typename T>
struct Widget {
  Widget(T& impl) : _impl(impl) {}
  virtual void run(int param) = 0;

  T _impl;

struct WidgetWriter : Widget<Writer> {
  void run(int param) {

struct WidgetReader : Widget<Reader> {
  void run(int param) {;

We can’t store std::vector<Widget<T>> in Orchestrator because T doesn’t have any meaning there. A solution is to store std::function which captures Widget<Writer> or Widget<Reader> respectively:

struct Orchestrator {
  template<typename T>
  void registerWidget(Widget<T>& w) {
    widgetRunners_.push_back([&](int param) {;
  void setParam(int param) {
    _param = param;
  void run() {
    for (auto& widgetRunner : _widgetRunners) {

  std::vector<std::function<void(int)>> _widgetRunners;
  int _param;

// Example call
Orchestrator orch;
WidgetWriter a;
WidgetReader b;

Notice how _widgetRunners has no type information about Widget<T> but the lambdas it stores do. Also notice how this pattern is very similar on how std::function itself is implemented!

Malte Skarupke’s blog post [3] also makes the observation std::function can be useful to replace the need for virtual functions altogether. In our example, instead of having registerWidget() we could have registerWriter and registerReader and have the lambda also do the work that Widget::run() is doing:

struct Orchestrator {
  void registerWriter(Writer& w) {
    widgetRunners_.push_back([&](int param) {
  void registerReader(Reader& r) {
    widgetRunners_.push_back([&](int param) {


I was trying to understand how the template syntax - <int(int, bool, std::string)> - got passed to a template and the one place I recalled seen this was with std::function, so I decided to try to create my own version.

It turned out to be really hard and looking at the source code for the GCC implementation didn’t help since it’s very hard to understand. It wasn’t until a ran into a StackOverflow post [2] that I found an implementation I could understand.

Von Neumann Architecture - In that post we touched on the idea of storing data and instructions in the same place.
