Review: Effective Modern C++ > NP-Incompleteness > Review: Effective Modern C++

Review: Effective Modern C++

25 Oct 2022

Effective Modern C++ book cover

In this post I’ll share my notes on the book Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers.

As with Effective C++, Meyers’ book is organized around items. Each item title describes specific recommendations (e.g. “Prefer nullptr to 0 and NULL”) and then it delves into the rationale, while also explaning details about the C++ language.

The post lists each item with a summary and my thoughts when applicable. The goal is that it can be an index to find more details on the book itself.

The Modern in the title refers to C++11 and C++14 features. This book is a complement to Effective C++, not an updated edition.

Organization of the book

The book is divided into 8 chapters and 42 items. Each chapter serves as a theme into which the items are organized.

To make look up easier, I’ve included a table of contents:

  1. Chapter 1 - Deducing Types
    1. Item 1: Understand template type deduction
    2. Item 2: Understand auto type deduction
    3. Item 3: Understand decltype
    4. Item 4: Know how to view deduced types
  2. Chapter 2 - auto
    1. Item 5: Prefer auto to explicit parameters
    2. Item 6: Use the explicitly typed initializer idiom when auto deduces undesired types
  3. Chapter 3 - Moving to Modern C++
    1. Item 7 - Distinguish between () and {} when creating objects
    2. Item 8 - Prefer nullptr to 0 and NULL
    3. Item 9 - Prefer alias declarations over typedefs
    4. Item 10 - Prefer scoped enums to unscoped enums
    5. Item 11 - Prefer deleted functions to private undefined ones
    6. Item 12 - Declare overriding functions override
    7. Item 13 - Prefer const iterators
    8. Item 14 - Declare functions noexcept when possible
    9. Item 15 - Use constexpr wherever possible
    10. Item 16 - Make const members thread safe
    11. Item 17 - Understand special member function generation
  4. Chapter 4: Smart Pointers
    1. Item 18 - Use std::unique_ptr for exclusive-ownership resource management
    2. Item 19 - Use std::shared_ptr for shared-ownership resource management
    3. Item 20 - Use std::weak_ptr for std::shared_ptr like pointer that can dangle
    4. Item 21 - Prefer std::make_unique and std::make_shared to direct use of new
    5. Item 22 - When using the Pimpl idiom, define special member functions in the implementation file
  5. Chapter 5: RValue References, Move Semantics and Perfect Forwarding
    1. Item 23 - Understand std::move and std::forward
    2. Item 24 - Distinguish universal references from rvalue references
    3. Item 25 - Use std::move on rvalue references, std::forward on universal references
    4. Item 26 - Avoid overloading on universal references
    5. Item 27 - Alternatives to overloading universal references
    6. Item 28 - Understand reference collapsing
    7. Item 29 - Assume move operations are not present, not cheap, and not used
    8. Item 30 - Familiarize yourself with perfect forwarding failures
  6. Chapter 6 - Lambda Expressions
    1. Item 31 - Avoid default capture modes
    2. Item 32 - Use init capture to move objects into closure
    3. Item 33 - Use decltype on auto&& to std::forward them
    4. Item 34 - Prefer lambdas over std::bind
  7. Chapter 7 - The Concurrency API
    1. Item 35 - Prefer task-based programming to thread-based.
    2. Item 36 - Specify std::launch::async if asynchronicity is essential
    3. Item 37 - Make std::thread unjoinable on all paths
    4. Item 38 - Be aware of varying thread handle destructor behavior
    5. Item 39 - Consider void futures for one-shot event communication
    6. Item 40 - Use std::atomic for concurrency, volatile for special memory
  8. Chapter 8 - Tweaks
    1. Item 41 - Consider pass by value for copyable parameters that are cheap to move and always copied
    2. Item 42 - Consider emplacement instead of insertion

Chapter 1 - Deducing Types

Item 1: Understand template type deduction

This item explains how a given template T is resolved. Let’s analyze some cases. First assume the template is declared as T&:

template<typename T>
void f(T& x) { }

const int a = 1;
f(a); // T is const int

const int& b = a;
f(b); // T is const it

As const T&:

template<typename T>
void f(const T& x) { }

const int a = 1;
f(a); // T is int

const int& b = a;
f(b); // T is it

As T&& (universal reference, see Item 24):

template<typename T>
void f(const T&& x) { }

const int a = 1;
f(a); // T is int&

f(1); // 1 is rvalue, T is int&&

There are corner cases for arrays or function pointers which we won’t cover.

Item 2: Understand auto type deduction

The gist is that auto is resolved the same way templates are for the most part. The only difference is when an auto variable is initialized using curly braces. auto resolves to std::initializer_list<>, template doesn’t compile:

// std::initializer_list<int>
auto x = { 10 };

// couldn't infer template argument 'T'

Item 3: Understand decltype

decltype is used to get the type of a variable. It can be useful to bridge the gap between auto and templates. auto doesn’t have an explicit type and templates might require one. Item 18 provides one such example:

auto deleter = [](C* ptr) {
  delete ptr;
std::unique_ptr<C, decltype(deleter)> uPtr(nullptr, deleter);

We won’t go over the details, but type-wise, this version of std::unique_ptr<T, D> has two template parameters, the type of the underlying object T and that of the deleter function D. We don’t know the type of deleter so we can use decltype(deleter). Item 33 has a simular use case.

Another use of decltype is combining with auto as decltype(auto). One problem with auto is that it drops the reference modifier when resolving. For example:

struct C {
  int& getRef() { return x_; }
  int x_;
auto f(C c) { // int f(C c)
  return c.getRef();

Here auto resolves to int. If we wish to preserve the & from getRef() we need decltype:

decltype(auto) f(C c) { // int& f(C c)
  return c.getRef();

A third use of decltype is a technique to display the type of a given variable at compile time, as shown in Item 4.

Item 4: Know how to view deduced types

There are several ways to inspect the deduced type of variables declared with auto:

auto x = /* expr */

One interesting technique is to have a compilation error tell us that. We can use the following code:

template<typename T>
class TD;

TD<decltype(x)> xType;

This will fail to compile and display the type in the error message. In clang (v14) I get:

error: implicit instantiation of undefined template ‘TD<int *>’

In runtime, we can instead use typeid().name():

std::cout << typeid(x).name() << std::endl;

It mangles the name but compilers have tools for prettifying it. For clang, we can use the llvm-cxxfilt CLI:

llvm-cxxfilt --types Pi

Chapter 2 - auto

Item 5: Prefer auto to explicit parameters

The reasons provided include: easier to type and refactor. It also avoids subtle type mismatches which are hard to catch because the compiler tries to convert/cast types when possible. Examples are provided in the book.

Item 6 discusses cases in which auto doesn’t work well.

Item 6: Use the explicitly typed initializer idiom when auto deduces undesired types

One example where auto doesn’t infer the “expected” type is when accessing an element of a vector of booleans. This is because vector<bool> is optimized to use bitpack so each element only uses 1 bit instead of a whole byte.

However, this means when acessing a specific element, it needs to return a special structure, std::__bit_reference<std::vector<bool>, which can be implicitly converted to bool:

std::vector<bool> f() {
  std::vector<bool> bv {true};
  return bv;
// Implicit conversion
bool b = f()[0];
std::cout << b << std::endl; // 1

However if we use auto:

std::vector<bool> f() {
  std::vector<bool> bv {true};
  return bv;
// std::__bit_reference<std::vector<bool>
auto b = f()[0];
std::cout << b << std::endl; // ??

b holds a reference to an object that doesn’t exist anymore (i.e. the temporary object created to hold f()’s return value), so its value is undefined.

More generally, in any case we use proxy classes, i.e. types that are not actually the type one would expect but can be implicitly converted to it, we might have such risk. The author suggests using static_cast<T> to solve this issue:

auto b = static_cast<bool>(f()[0]);

but then I’m not sure about the advantage of using auto.

Chapter 3 - Moving to Modern C++

Item 7 - Distinguish between () and {} when creating objects

Variables can be initialized via assignment, parenthesis or curly braces:

int a = 1;
int b (2);
int c {3};

The advantage of the curly braces is that it prevents narrowing conversion, which is when a broader type (e.g. double) gets converted to a narrower one (e.g. int), possibly causing information loss:

double x = 1.1;
int b (x); // truncates to 1
int c {x}; // compile error

Curly braces won’t compile. Another issue curly braces avoid is the vexing parse in which the initialization syntax is the same as a function declaration. For example:

struct C {
  C(int x) {}
  C() {}

C c1(1); // creates instance of C
C c2();  // declares a function

The last expression might seem like it’s creating an instance of C by calling the default constructor but it’s actually declaring a function. Using curly braces does the intuitive thing:

C c1{1}; // creates instance of C
C c2{};  // creates instance of C

Another scenario in which parenthesis and curly braces behave differently is passing two arguments to a int vector:

// vector with 10 elements, all set to 20
std::vector<int> v1 (10, 20);
// vector with 2 elements, 10 and 20
std::vector<int> v2 {10, 20};

Item 8 - Prefer nullptr to 0 and NULL

The item suggests nullptr is more readable when representing null pointers than either 0 and NULL.

There are also some cases when using templates where passing either 0 or NULL won’t compile as pointers. For example:

struct C {};

void f(std::shared_ptr<C> p) {}

template<typename F, typename P>
void apply(F fun, P p) {

// ok
apply(f, nullptr);
// error because P is deduced to be int
apply(f, 0);

Item 9 - Prefer alias declarations over typedefs

It boils down to templates. typedef cannot be templatized. An example using alias declaration:

template<typename T>
using MyVec = std::vector<T>;

If we want to achieve the same using typedefs we need to use a struct:

template<typename T>
struct MyVec {
  typedef std::vector<T> type;

Whenever we use this new type we need to do typename MyVec<T>::type as opposed to MyVec<T> for alias declaration.

Item 10 - Prefer scoped enums to unscoped enums

The C++98 enums are known as unscoped enums:

enum RGB { red, green, blue };

The C++11 enums are called scoped enums (note the class modifier):

enum class RGB { red, green, blue };

To refer to a scoped enum value we do RGB::red as opposed to red previously. The need for qualifying the enum value is the origin of scoped. This prevents scope pollution (e.g. another enum including red would fail to compile).

One case where unscoped enums work better is to implement named tuple access for readability:

enum Field { name, address };
std::tuple<std::string, std::string> info;
// same as std::get<0>(info)

The alternative using scoped enums would require explicit downcast to std::size_t because its default type is int.

Item 11 - Prefer deleted functions to private undefined ones

Suppose we’re inheriting from a class and we want to “hide” some of the methods from the parent class to all callers. One way to achieve this is by making the methods private. However, member methods or friend classes would still be able to call them by accident, so we can also not define them.

class Child : public Parent {

  // not defined
  void hiddenMethod();

The problem is that if being invoked by a different compilation unit, this would only fail at linking time which is harder to understand. We can instead delete the method:

class Child : public Parent {
  void hiddenMethod() = delete;

Item 12 - Declare overriding functions override

To recap, suppose class Child inherits from Parent. Overriding functions allows us to call the method from the instance’s Child type even when the type on the signature is of Parent type. Example:

struct Parent {
  virtual void f() const {
    std::cout << "parent" << std::endl;

struct Child : public Parent {
  void f() const {
    std::cout << "child" << std::endl;

void g(Parent &x) {

Child c;
g(c); // prints "child"

It’s easy to get this wrong. If we forget to add virtual to the parent method or make a mistake when defining the signature of the child the override won’t take place. Example:

struct Child : public Parent {
  void f() {
    std::cout << "child" << std::endl;

Here we forgot to add const to the Child::f() so it’s not overriding. The override keyword will cause a compilation error if that happens.

struct Child : public Parent {
  void f() override {
    std::cout << "child" << std::endl;

clang reports this error:

hidden overloaded virtual function ‘C::f’ declared here: different qualifiers (‘const’ vs unqualified)

Item 13 - Prefer const iterators

Use cbegin() and cend() from stl collections whenever possible as opposed to begin() and end().

Item 14 - Declare functions noexcept when possible

We can annotate a function with noexcept to indicate it doesn’t throw exceptions:

void f() noexcept {

noexcept functions can be better optimized by the compilers. However, there’s no compile time constraint to enforce a noexcept doesn’t really throw exceptions or call functions that do.

My take on this item is that it’s not very broadly applicable.

Item 15 - Use constexpr wherever possible

The constexpr can be used when declaring variables or functions. For variables, its value is resolved at compile time:

constexpr auto SIZE = 2 + 3;

constexpr variables can be a function of other constexpr variables:

constexpr auto ONE = 1;
constexpr auto TWO = 2;
constexpr auto SIZE = ONE + TWO;

For functions, its behavior depends on whether all the arguments are constexpr. If yes, then its result is also a constexpr, else it’s a regular function. The body of a constexpr function can only depend on other constexpr functions.

constexpr int add(int x, int y) {
  return x + y;

constexpr int inc(int x) {
  return add(x, 1);

// ok
const auto ONE = 1;
constexpr auto SIZE = inc(ONE);

// ok too
int x = 1;
int y = inc(x);

Downside: it’s hard to debug or profile constexpr functions because printf() is considered side-effect.

Item 16 - Make const members thread safe

The gist of this item is that there’s a backdoor to mutate variables in const methods: declaring them as mutable, for example:

class C {
  void f() const {

  mutable int x = 10;

And hence not thread-safe.

Item 17 - Understand special member function generation

This item discusses the conditions in which the default constructor, destructor and assignment operators are auto-generated.

Let’s abbreviate:

We can build a table to encode the rules for when a member function is auto-generated. To read the table: a member function corresponding to a row is only auto-generated if none of the columns in which an ✓ exists is user defined.


It also mentions the Rule of three:

Rule of Three: if you declare any of copy constructor, copy assignment or destructor, you should declare all three.

Templated operations do not count towards special member functions. For example:

class C {
  // Not a copy constructor even when T=C
  template<typename T>
  C(const T& c);

  // Not a move assignment even when T=C
  template<typename T>
  C& operator=(const T&& c);

Chapter 4: Smart Pointers

Item 18 - Use std::unique_ptr for exclusive-ownership resource management

We’ve discussed unique pointers in Smart Pointers in C++. This section describes other things I’ve learned from the book.

std::unique_ptr supports custom deleters which are made part of the type:

auto deleter = [](C* ptr) {
  delete ptr;
std::unique_ptr<C, decltype(deleter)> uPtr(nullptr, deleter);

The size of std::unique_ptr is the same as raw pointers unless custom deleters are used.

Item 19 - Use std::shared_ptr for shared-ownership resource management

We’ve discussed shared pointers in Smart Pointers in C++. This section describes other things I’ve learned from the book.

Moving shared pointers (as opposed to copying) avoids reference count changes (which can be expensive since it’s atomic).

Shared pointers allocate memory for a control block which among other things stores the reference count, so the size of std::shared_ptr is at least twice as big than std::unique_ptr.

Differently from std::unique_ptr, the custom deleter is not part of the type of a std::shared_ptr because it can be stored in the control block.

Item 20 - Use std::weak_ptr for std::shared_ptr like pointer that can dangle

A std::weak_ptr can be obtained from std::shared_ptr but does not increase reference count. This is useful to prevent cyclical dependencies in which case reference count doesn’t work but this is very uncommon.

std::weak_ptr also have a control block like std::shared_ptr but it has a different reference count.

Item 21 - Prefer std::make_unique and std::make_shared to direct use of new

We’ve discussed the merits of std::make_unique and std::make_shared in Smart Pointers in C++. This section describes other things I’ve learned from the book.

One interesting bit is that when using std::make_shared, it allocates the object being created and the control block in the same chunk of memory.

Item 22 - When using the Pimpl idiom, define special member functions in the implementation file

The Pimpl idiom is a technique used to reduce build times. The idea is to move heavy dependencies from the .h file to the .cpp one. For example, suppose we have some dependency a.h:

// a.h
struct A {
  int get() {
    return 1;

Our main class B depends on A, so its header includes it:

// b.h
#include "a.h"
struct B {
  A a;
  int get();

And here’s the implemention:

// b.cpp
#include "b.h"
int B::get() {
  return a.get();

If we want to not depend on header a.h in b.h, a technique is to define a struct Impl which depends on A but we only forward declare in b.h and create a single member variable as a unique pointer to it (hence the Pimpl name: pointer + implementation):

// b.h
#include <memory>
struct B {
  struct Impl;
  std::unique_ptr<Impl> impl;

  int get();

Then in the b.cpp we actually define the struct Impl and have the dependency on a.h there:

// b.cpp
struct B::Impl { A a; };

B::B() : impl(std::make_unique<Impl>()) {}

int B::get() {
  return impl->a.get();

Note that we don’t need the destructor because impl calls delete when it falls out of scope. There’s some issue with the auto-generated destructor that the book delves into but I didn’t get errors for that.

Chapter 5: RValue References, Move Semantics and Perfect Forwarding

Item 23 - Understand std::move and std::forward

We’ve discussed std::move in Move Semantics in C++. This section describes other things I’ve learned from the book.

One important observation is that function arguments are always lvalue even if their type is a rvalue reference. For example:

struct C {};

void log(std::string s) {
  std::cout << s << std::endl;

void g(C &c) { log("g: lvalue ref"); }

void g(C &&c) { log("g: rvalue ref"); }

void f(C &c) {
  log("g: lvalue ref");

void f(C &&c) {
  log("f: lvalue ref");

// f: lvalue ref, g: lvalue ref
// f: rvalue ref, g: lvalue ref

In [2], we’ve seen that std::move() is a static cast that converts any reference to a rvalue reference. std::forward<T>() converts to a rvalue reference conditionally, only if the type T is itself a rvalue reference.

This is clearer from an example:

void g(std::string &s) {
  std::cout << "lvalue" << std::endl;

void g(std::string &&s) {
  std::cout << "rvalue" << std::endl;

template<typename T>
void f(T&& p) {

std::string s = "a";
f(s); // lvalue
f(std::move(s)); // rvalue

Since T&& is a universal reference, the way it is resolved depends on whether the passed value is a rvalue or lvalue reference. In f(s), the type T&& in f() resolves to std::string &. In f(std::move(s)), T&& resolves to std::string &&.

At f(), p is a lvalue, so if passed to g() as is, we’d always call g(std::string &s) regardless of whether f() was initially called with a rvalue. We’d like to preserve the rvalue information as if g() was being called directly. This is what std::forward<T> does.

Simplistically std::forward<T> is basically a static_cast<T&&> but there are nuances we won’t discuss here.

Worth noting that std::move and std::forward are both static casts.

Item 24 - Distinguish universal references from rvalue references

Universeal references are rvalue references where type deduction happens, either via auto or templates. Examples:

template<typename T>
void f(T&& p) {}

auto&& x = "hello";

It’s called a universal reference because it properly handles both rvalue and lvalue references.

Item 25 - Use std::move on rvalue references, std::forward on universal references

This item basically says that if we got p as a universal reference we should pass it along using std::forward<T>:

template<typename T>
void f(T&& p) {

But if we got it as a rvalue reference we should use std::move:

void f(C&& p) {

Item 26 - Avoid overloading on universal references

This item basically says that if we have a single parameter function:

void f(int x) { }

Do not add an overload using universal references like:

template<typename T>
void f(T&& x) { }

This might make the overload resolution difficult to reason about. For example, if we pass short to f() it actually calls the universal reference overload.

This is even worse if we use universal references in the constructor, because it mixes up with copy and move constructors.

class C {
  template<typename T>
  explicit C(T&& x) {}

  C(const C& x) {}

C c1;
C c2(c1); // which constructor does it call?

The book delves into the details on why the last line calls the universal reference constructor.

Item 27 - Alternatives to overloading universal references

This item provides several ways to avoid the universal references overloading. One of the most interesting is tag dispatch. It basically leverages static checks to make sure the right overload is used. So if we have:

void f(int x) { }

template<typename T>
void f(T&& x) { }

We can turn f into a dispatcher function and have the int and non-int logic as fImpl:

template<typename T>
void f(T&& x) {

void fImpl(int x, std::true_type) { }

template<typename T>
void fImpl(T&& x, std::false_type) { }

When we call f() with an integer type, std::is_integral<std::remove_ref<T>> will resolve to std::true_type and call fImpl(int x, std::true_type). Otherwise it resolves to std::false_type and calls fImpl(T&& x, std::false_type).

Item 28 - Understand reference collapsing

You can’t directly write a reference to a reference:

int x = 10;
int& & a = x;

But compilers might as intermediate steps when deducing types, for example:

int x = 10;
int &y = x;
auto& a = y;

Since y is int &, auto& resolves to int& &, but gets collapsed to int& in the end.

The rule for collpasing is simple: if both references are rvalue, the result is an rvalue reference, otherwise it’s a lvalue reference. This explains the behavior of universal references:

int x = 10;
int &y = x;
auto&& a = y;
auto&& b = 10;

For a, auto && resolves to int& && and thus int &. For b, auto && resolves to int&& && and thus int &&.

Item 29 - Assume move operations are not present, not cheap, and not used

One case where move is not cheaper than copying is for when small string optimization (SSO) is used. In this case the content is stored along side the std::string and not dynamically allocated, so we can’t simply do a pointer swap.

For cases where it’s not used, some STL code only makes use of move operations if they’re are noexcept, for some back-compatibility reasons.

Item 30 - Familiarize yourself with perfect forwarding failures

This item discusses cases in which using:

template<typename T>
void fwd(T&& x) {

doesn’t work. The failure scenarios described are due to universal references not to std::forward in particular.

Casr 1: Braced initializers.

This is explained in Item 2, the reason being that T cannot deduce the type of std::initializer_list.

Case 2: 0 or NULL as null pointers

This is explained in Item 8 and is also related to template type deduction.

Case 3: Declaration-only integral static const and constexpr data members

This is a super specific scenario when we have:

struct C {
  static constexpr std::size_t k = 10;
ftw(C::k); // might fail

The explanation is that C::k doesn’t have an address in memory and since references are often implemented as pointers, this might fail in some compilers.

One natural question to ask is why rvalues are allowed to have references then? That’s because the compiler will create a temporary object for the rvalue which in turn has some address.

This temporary object creation doesn’t happen for static constexpr, at least for some compilers. For clang it works.

Case 4: Overloaded function names and template names.

void callback(int x);
void callback(std::string x);

fwd(callback); // doesn't know which overload to pick

This also happens if callback is a template function.

Case 5: Bitfields.

Bitfields allow splitting a single type into multiple variables, for example:

struct C {
  std::uint32_t field1:10, field2:22;

Here field1 uses 10 bits and field2 uses 22 bits from the 32 bits of std::uint32_t.

This also doesn’t work with universal references:

D d;
// non-const reference cannot bind to bit-field 'field2'

Chapter 6 - Lambda Expressions

Things I learned from the chapter introduction:

The compiler creates classes for lambdas behind the scenes, called closure class. The lambda logic goes in the () operator, which is const by default. The mutable keyword in the lambda changes that.

Assigning a lambda to a variable incurs in the creation of an instance, called closure. Closures can be copied.

Item 31 - Avoid default capture modes

The item advises against using default capture by value ([=]):

auto f = [=](...) {

or default capture by reference:

auto f = [&](...) {

Because they can cause dangling references.

Item 32 - Use init capture to move objects into closure

For move-only objects like std::unique_ptr we can use this syntax to move the object into the closure:

auto p = std::make_unique<C>();
auto f = [p = std::move(p)](...) {

Item 33 - Use decltype on auto&& to std::forward them

Generic lambdas are those having auto in their argument list:

auto f = [](auto x) {
  return x;

The underlying closure class is implemented using templates, possibly as:

class Closure {
  template<typename T>
  auto operator()(T x) {
    return x;

If we want the closure to take a universal reference (auto&&) and forward that argument, we don’t have the template T available, so we can use decltype:

auto f = [](auto&& x) {
  return g(std::forward<decltype<x>>(x));

Item 34 - Prefer lambdas over std::bind

According to this item, there’s never a reason to use std::bind after C++14. It claims that lambdas are more readable, expressive and can be more efficient than std::bind.

Chapter 7 - The Concurrency API

Item 35 - Prefer task-based programming to thread-based.

In other words, prefer std::async to std::thread. Example using threads:

#include <thread>

void f() {
  std::cout << "work" << std::endl;
std::thread t(f);
t.join(); // wait on thread to finish

And async:

#include <future>

auto fut = std::async(f);

The item suggests thread is a lower level abstraction than async, so async handles a lot of the details for you.

Another advantage of async is that you can get the result from the async function more easily than in a thread:

int g() { return 1; }

auto fut = std::async(g);
auto result = fut.get();
std::cout << result << std::endl; // 1

Item 36 - Specify std::launch::async if asynchronicity is essential

In line with Item 35’s claim that async handles a lot of the details for you, one thing you can’t assume is that it will always run the callback in a separate thread. It might actually wait and run the function in the current thread.

To force it to run as a separate thread we must use std::launch::async:

auto fut = std::async(std::launch::async, f);

Item 37 - Make std::thread unjoinable on all paths

A unjoinable thread is one in which the .join() cannot be called on. One example is when a thread has already been joined:

std::thread t(f);
// Exception: thread::join failed: Invalid argument

Or when the thread has been moved:

std::thread t(f);
// Exception: thread::join failed: Invalid argument

Or detached:

std::thread t(f);
// Exception: thread::join failed: Invalid argument

If a thread is joinable by the time it’s destructed, the program crashes, for example:

  auto t = std::thread([]() {
} // t is destroyed. Abort trap: 6

The recommendation of this item is to make sure threads are made unjoinable before they get destroyed.

As one way to achieve this, the author proposes a RAII-wrapper around std::thread called ThreadRAII, that enables configuring whether to call .join() or .detach() on the underlying thread at the ThreadRAII’s destructor, effectively guaranteeing a thread is never left joinable on destruction.

Item 38 - Be aware of varying thread handle destructor behavior

This item discusses the behavior of the destructor of std::future (the type returned by std::async). If it’s executed asynchronously either explicitly via the flag std::launch::async or implicitly (Item 36), the destructor behavior changes, because it calls .join() on the underlying thread.

  auto fut = std::async (std::launch::async, []() {
} // blocks

Note this behavior is different from when a raw std::thread is destroyed (Item 37).

Item 39 - Consider void futures for one-shot event communication

This item discusses a scenario where we have 2 threads, t1 and t2 and we’d like t2 to wait for t1 until it signals it. One way to do this is using std::condition_variable + std::unique_lock + std::mutex:

#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>

std::condition_variable cv;

auto t1 = std::thread([&cv]() mutable {
  std::cout << "setting value" << std::endl;

auto t2 = std::thread([&cv](){
  std::cout << "waiting" << std::endl;
  std::mutex m;
  std::unique_lock lk(m);
  std::cout << "waited" << std::endl;


The item argues this is hacky and suffers from issues like cv.notify_one() running before cv.wait(lk), which causes the latter to hang. It proposes an alternative using std::promise + std::future:

#include <future>

std::promise<void> p;
auto fut = p.get_future();
auto t1 = std::thread([p = std::move(p)]() mutable {
  std::cout << "setting value" << std::endl;

auto t2 = std::thread([fut = std::move(fut)](){
  std::cout << "waiting" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "waited" << std::endl;


The major downside of this approach is that it can only be used once.

Item 40 - Use std::atomic for concurrency, volatile for special memory

Independent assignment like:

a = b;
x = y;

Can be re-ordered either by the compiler or by the underlying hardware to improve efficiency. This poses a problem for concurrent programming because we might use an independent variable to indicate some computation has taken place:

bool isReady {false};
auto result = compute();
// indicates that computation has taken place
isReady = true;

If another thread relies on isReady to determine compute() has been run, we can’t let the compiler re-order the last two statements.

std::atomic prevents that by telling the compiler: if an expression appears before a write to an std::atomic variable in the source code, then it has to be executed before such write in runtime.

std::atomic<bool> isReady {false};
auto result = compute();
isReady = true;

There’s another optimization compilers can do, regarding redundant reads and writes. In the code below, the initial assignment of y is never used and is later overwritten:

auto y = x;
y = x;

The compiler might want to re-write this as:

auto y = x;

However, it’s possible that y writes to a special memory (e.g. an external device) instead of RAM and some other system might depend on that side-effect. volatile prevents this optimization from happening.

volatile auto y = x;
y = x;

Note that this is still subject to re-ordering, so we could combine volatile and std::atomic:

volatile std:atomic<int> y = x;
y = x;

Chapter 8 - Tweaks

Item 41 - Consider pass by value for copyable parameters that are cheap to move and always copied

Suppose we have a function that takes a reference and makes a copy of it internally:

class B {
  void set(C& r) {
    c_ = r;
  C c_;

We’d want to also support a rvalue reference overload to avoid making additional copies for rvalues:

class B {
  void set(C& r) {
    c_ = r;
  void set(C&& r) {
    c_ = std::move(r);
  C c_;

If C is cheap to move, we can simplify things and just take r by value:

class B {
  void set(C r) {
    c_ = std::move(r);
  C c_;

Let’s first compare this new form with the set(C& r) case. When we call set(C r) with an lvalue, we’ll copy-construct it when calling set(), but avoid the copy when move-assigning to c_. Whereas for set(C& r), we avoid a copy when calling set() but make a copy when assigning to c_. Assuming moving is cheap, they incur in roughly the same cost.

Now compare with the set(C&& r) case. When we call set(C r) with an rvalue we’ll move-construct it when calling set() and we’ll move-assign to c_. For set(C& r) we’ll do two move-assigns. Again, assuming moving is cheap, they incur in roughly the same cost.

Item 42 - Consider emplacement instead of insertion

Many STL containers support emplacement instead of insertion. For example, std::vector has emplace_back(). Emplace methods take the constructor arguments instead of object, so it avoids temporary object creation if the argument has different type but has a contructor that accepts it.

For example, suppose we have a class C that can be constructed from int. If we call push_back(1), first we’ll create a temporary object via tmp = C(1) then copy it when doing push_back(tmp):

struct C {
  C(const C &c) {
    std::cout << "copy-construct" << std::endl;
    x_ = c.x_;
  C(int x) {
    std::cout << "construct from int" << std::endl;
    x_ = x;
  int x_;

std::vector<C> v;
// construct from int
// copy-construct

If we use emplace_back(1), we’ll only call C(1) done inside std::vector:

std::vector<C> v;
// construct from int


I really liked reading this book cover-to-cover and learned a lot! The book is rather verbose but it has a very fluid narrative and thus is smooth to read.

Despite the verbosity, the book has a lot of content and I had trouble summarizing, even leaving out the rationale for the recommendation. The markdown text for the post has over 1k lines (usually it’s fewer than 200).

The book also manages to make the content accessible but also detailed and technically precise. One downside is that at times the author spends a lot of time discussing what it seems like an extreme corner case, for example, in Item 27 (on avoiding overloaded universal references), the section called “Constraining templates that take universal references”.
