Lean Cheatsheet

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Lean Cheatsheet

NOTE: This refers to the community fork of Lean (test with v3.42).


  1. Setup
  2. Syntax
    1. Inductive Type
    2. Function
  3. Inference
  4. Symbols
    1. Subscripts
    2. Arrows
    3. Operators
  5. Tactics
    1. apply
    2. assumption
    3. cases
    4. have
    5. intro
    6. revert
    7. rewrite (rw)
  6. split
  7. Tactic Combinators
    1. repeat
  8. How To?
    1. Assume the left-hand side of an implication in the goal
    2. Bind a value to ∀ in the goal
    3. Bind a value to ∃ in the goal
    4. Bind a value to ∀ in a hypothesis
    5. Bind a value to ∃ in a hypothesis
    6. Split a hypothesis in the form H1 ∧ H2 into two hypothesis
    7. Introduce new hypothesis within a proof
  9. References


If you already have an existing folder, run this inside the folder.

leanproject new


Inductive Type

inductive Nat
| zero : Nat
| succ (n : Nat) : Nat


def inc (x: nat): nat := x + 1

Alternative: pattern matching.

def add : nat  nat  nat
| m 0 := m
| m (succ n) := succ (add m n)

Function Composition.

def inc (x: nat): nat := x + 1
def dbl (x: nat): nat := 2 * x
def f := dbl  inc
#eval f 3 -- prints 8


Typing an underscore in an expression asks Lean to infer a suitable value for the expression and fill it in automatically.


For copy and pasting:





 -- and



Given goal b and hypothesis h: a -> b, apply h turns goal b into a.


The assumption tactic looks through the assumptions in context of the current goal, and if there is one matching the conclusion, it applies it.

variables x y z w : 

example (h : x = y) (h : y = z) (h : z = w) : x = w :=
  apply eq.trans h, -- y = w
  apply eq.trans h, -- z = w
  assumption         -- applied h₃


Split a hyposesis of the form a ^ b into two hypothesis a and b.


have q := f p, https://www.ma.imperial.ac.uk/~buzzard/xena/natural_number_game/?world=6&level=7


If the current goal is a → b, intro h assumes a is true (adding as hypothesis h) and the goal becomes b.


If there’s a hypothesis h: a → b and the current goal is b, revert h, turns the goal into a → b.

rewrite (rw)


axiom foo : a = b
rw foo -- replaces a with b


axiom add_succ (m n: nat) : m + nat.succ n = nat.succ (m + n)

lemma my_add_assoc (a b c : nat) : (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) :=
  induction c with d hd,
  -- ⊢ a + b + 0 = a + (b + 0)
  rw add_zero,
  -- ⊢ a + b = a + (b + 0)
  rw add_zero,
  -- ⊢ a + b = a + b
  -- ...


reversed rewrite.

Replace expr2 with expr1 instead:


axiom foo : a = b
rw foo -- replaces b with a

rewrite only the n-th match.


nth_rewrite 0 H1,

rewrite multiple hypothesis


rewrite 0 [H1, H2, H1, H3],


If the current goal is a ∧ b, split generates 2 goals a and b. (Same as apply and.intro)

Tactic Combinators


Executes a tactic while it’s applicable. Example:

repeat {rw h}

How To?

Assume the left-hand side of an implication in the goal

If the goal is of the form ⊢ x → y we add x to our hypothesis and prove y:

-- ⊢ x → y
intro h
-- h: x
-- ⊢ y

Bind a value to ∀ in the goal

If the goal is of the form ⊢ ∀ x, f(x) we can bind x to some specific variable y and prove the goal for it:

-- ⊢ ∀ x, f(x)
intro y
-- y
-- ⊢ f(y)

Bind a value to ∃ in the goal

If the goal is of the form ⊢ ∃ x, f(x) we can replace with a specific instance via existsi:

-- ⊢ ∃ x, f(x)
existsi y
-- ⊢ y, f(y)

Bind a value to ∀ in a hypothesis

If we have a hypothesis H: ∀ x, f(x), we can create a new hypothesis binding x with some instance via have Hy := H y:

-- : H: ∀ x, f(x)
have H2 := H y
-- Hy: y, f(y)

Bind a value to ∃ in a hypothesis

If we have a hypothesis H: ∃ x, f(x), we can introduce some y and create a new hypothesis that is H applied to y:

-- : H: ∃ x, f(x)
cases H with y Hy,
-- Hy: y, f(y)
-- y

Split a hypothesis in the form H1 ∧ H2 into two hypothesis

If we have a hypothesis H: H1 ∧ H2, we can get two hypothesis H1 and H2:

-- : H: H1 ∧ H2
cases H with H1 H2,
-- H1
-- H2

Introduce new hypothesis within a proof

We can choose to prove an intermediate result within a proof for better readability/organization.

let H: <Prop>

This adds a new hypothesis H and a new goal to prove that hypothesis. If this proof is long, it might be worth to define an actual lemma.
